Saturday, December 1

Just As She Is  

In these technologically savvy times, selling music in mass numbers has posed a difficult challenge for recording artist and labels. Some offer incentives for buying the album (i.e. bonus DVDs, special posters, free ringtones) even though the results are iffy. Alicia Key’s sits atop the upper echelon of music with a regal glow and a gracious expression. Not only did “As I Am” sell 742,000 but the album is a masterpiece. Her striking, passionate vocals, and the soulful innovation used to produce this album made this a remarkable addition to her discology. “No One” wasn’t a song that I like upon first listen. It was a departure from my perception of Alicia Keys. Then I read an article in Entertainment Weekly that explained how she wasn’t singing for vocal perfection or demure appeal, she was singing from her heart and soul--fortifying each lyric with passion.

My favorite tracks are “Wreckless Love” and “Teenage Love Affair”. These are two of the more upbeat tracks--two words "simply delicious". “Like You’ll Never See Me Again” is a beautiful ballad that stresses the importance of appreciating the love you have and never taking it for granted:

"If I had no more time
No more time left to be here
Would you cherish what we had?
Was it everything that you were looking for?
If I couldn’t feel your touch
And no longer were you with me
I’d be wishing you were here
To be everything that I’d be looking for
I don’t wanna forget the present is a gift
And I don’t wanna take for granted the time you may have here with me
‘Cause Lord only knows another day is not really guaranteed

So every time you hold me
Hold me like this is the last time
Every time you kiss me
Kiss me like you’ll never see me again
Every time you touch me
Touch me like this is the last time
Promise that you’ll love me
Love me like you’ll never see me again "

This album gives an exquisite experience for the ears, and also offers some life lessons. The numbers don’t lie. Buy this one, & savor it.

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