Crowned: The Best Thing To Hit The A-Town In A While (Or Ever)
The Glow In The Dark Tour exceeded all of my expectations. The show started promptly with Lupe, clad in crimson trousers and a matching shirt looking rather dapper. He brought the crowd to their feet-- "Hi Definition" & "Paris, Tokyo" had the crowd losing their collective minds. Lupe executed of each rhyme with precision and power—he’s good. N.E.R.D. definitely got MVP (Most Volatile Performance). They were especially hype, exciting long time fans and first time listeners alike! Aside from their raw energy they literally has the crowd seeing sounds with their vivid psychedelic digital screens synced to their songs. I can honestly say, the new material sounds superb, can’t wait to get that record. Oh yeah---can’t forget to mention that there were few cameos during the N.E.R.D. set (Chris Brown, Musiq, & Bow Wow). Rihanna was uhhh, well um she was there... Rihanna was not spectacular, sorry. I like her music, but her performance was lacking in terms of energy, originality, and rhythm (boy she’s stiff). The crowd maintained a decent level of energy to humor her, southern hospitality at its best. After her mediocre set the Gwinnett Arena was buzzing. As the lights dropped and Kanye’s set illuminated the crowd immediately erupted in disbelief. Kanye took us all on an intergalactic odyssey. The stage was this massive conglomeration of innovative technology arranged in a manner that fully expressed the energy and depth of each song. I’ve never had an experience like I had seeing his narrative unravel. Each song was rearranged to offer poignant lessons throughout our travels in deep space. Kanye, the universe’s biggest star—as JANE explained— successfully accomplished his mission. He ended with —a self indulgent yet touching—rant. I felt him though. People talk a lot of shit about him, but after a show like this no one can deny his talent and vision. I’m a fan, I been down since it “all fell down” in 2004. If the tour is coming to a city near you soon, get tickets by any means necessary.
‘Ology’ comes from the Greek word logos, meaning the “study of” something. Chaseology on a basic level means the study of Chase. Not necessarily me as an individual, rather the things I’m inspired by. I have a divine appreciation for musicians, designers, artists, producers, directors, writers, and poets who give of themselves---offering something layered, unique, and bright. I’m inspired by so much on a daily basis the possibilities are boundless, though music stands at the forefront, I firmly believed anything can inspire. Art helps me appreciate the world, and encourages me to explore its different dimensions. This blog is my means of honoring and sharing the individuals whose creative works I exalt.
The content (mp3's, photos, videos, etc) shared on this site are taken from the web. If you own the rights to any of them, and or if you do not wish for them to appear on this website please contact me and the infringing material will be removed post haste.
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