Sunday, July 13

Ryan Leslie  

What it is about light skinned pretty boys with two first names? First, Kevin Michael now Ryan Leslie. To be fair the comparisons probably stop there. Ryan Leslie is probably best known for his work with R&B siren Cassie. He produced here mega successful hit "Me & U". To his credit, he's more than just one hit. Dude is gifted. He has a an ear and a voice. He's worked with some of the greats, and soon he'll be one. His forthcoming album will be released soon...
You should definitely mosey on over to his youtube page.
He's a sharp tool, for example check this one out. Watch him at about 4:10 second when he just starts singing syllables in effort to lay down the melody. I would listen to the "Gibberish" as is. I can't wait for this one to drop.

Ryan Leslie on MySpace

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the movement.