Saturday, September 27

The Alpha Platinum 9000  

behind the scenes...

I've complained, whined, and begged for months now. It was worth the wait.
I was a bit bewildered when I learned that it would premiere on
BET's (quivers) 106th and Park. I suffered through almost an entire episode
of that mess. I'm noticing a trend, when it comes to Janelle she pushes her
fans to the limit--well me at least. I have been aching for this video since the re-release of "The Chase".
I remember the very first entry on was me ranting and raving about
how I had to wait nearly four hours when I went to her first show
--but it was worth every second--always is.

This video combines two of my loves: live performance & runway.
Set at the Metropolis Annual Android Auction.
Cindi Mayweather--"the prototype of the Alpha Platinum 9000 line, and
the toast of the town"--dazzles the guest as she performs an electrifying
rendition of "Many Moons." The other droids strut down the runway as
they are auctioned off the the movers and shakers of Metropolis.
The ending eludes to the next chapter of the Metropolis saga.
Don't miss the Cameos!
Deep Cotton as the Punk Prophets & Big Boi (Sir Lucious Leftfoot)
serves as the auctioneer extraordinaire.
Oh and NO DIDDY!

One of the best videos I've seen in years!
I'm not just saying that!
check it out!

one thing:
If you compare to Andre 3000's 2003 video "Hey Ya" I say this.
Andre 3000 wasn't the first. Sorry. If you knew your history or anything
aside from the crap you watch on BET you wouldn't speak such absurdities.

What next?

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the movement.