Sunday, December 7

The Killers: Day and Age  

Categorizing this record is difficult. It's rock, but simply calling it rock is completely 
inaccurate. It is what I'd call stylized synthetic dance with an edge . The lead single 
caught my attention, "Human", is a well-written, simple, catchy, & fun. Not to mention
is asks the ultimate question "are we human or are we dancer?" which is  a question I ask
myself daily. I can honestly tell you I'm not a huge fan of The Killers. The made their musical
debut when I was a freshman in college. I was all about "Somebody Told Me", so much so 
I bought the album. Long story short, never listened to the entire record. I never listened 
to their second record, in fact, I can't remember anything about it. As far as this record 
is concerned. I like it. It's not spectacular! It's good though. It reeled me in and I've listened
 to it a couple of times this week. Standout tracks include "The World We Live In",
 "A Crippling Blow", & "Neon Tiger."

What next?

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the movement.