Wednesday, December 10

The Real World Brooklyn  

This is the story of seven strangers picked to live in a house and have their lives taped 
to find out what happens when people stop being polite and start getting real...
[sadly I have that little spiel memorized because I've been watching the Real World 
since I could sit up in a chair by myself.] This is the 21st season of the show and of course
the each cast member was carefully selected from the freshest twenty somethings 
America had to offer in order to ensure bitchy bickering, raging tirades, jealousy,
random sex, debauchery, and drama. Now I'm not a huge fan of television (though 
lately I've been over indulging) but I will definitely watch this season. 

Lets play a little game. I'm going to write seven RANDOM facts and you match the fact to the face.

1. Gay, University of Miami graduate who is a dolphin trainer.
2. A personal trainer who was featured in Men's Health for having the "best abs on the east coast.
3. Italian-American transwoman who is a self proclaimed computer geek.
4. Conservative Republican and a "punk rock Mormon"
5. Army Vet who guarded Saddam Hussein at his trail.
6. A Hip-Hop DJ, who was raised by hippie parents in Salt Lake City (not a Mormon)
7. A flirtatious diva who is also a former Miss American Teen 2005 & Miss Missouri Teen.

Shits hard isn't it.
When I can match names with faces I'll post the answers.

What next?

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