this whole grad school thing.
As you may or may not know, I applied for grad school. I wanted to jump in this Spring and study Film. I submitted my application in October so you can imagine my dismay when I didn't hear a peep from the admissions board by December. I got into contact with one of the directors...Long story short,I got an email this morning and I was told that my application was incomplete. Of course my initial reaction was rage. I started flipping through my records and preparing a full scale investigation, but then I stopped. I don't know what happened or why my letter of intent (a letter that I spent quite a bit of time on) did not post to the system, but right now I can't do anything about it. So in effort to support proactive thinking, I went downstairs and got something to nourish my body and mind. As I ate, I thought. It is not the end of the world. I'm twenty two and I have time. The person I spoke with gave me some sound advice, and he was basically letting me know that I should not panic because: "our policy is that we accept new production students in the fall semester only, so you really wouldn't be losing time here." Then I thought to myself, shit if I knew that I definitely would've waited for fall. He did have one concern about my my math/quantitative score on the GRE. He said I should "try to raise that score a little bit" and now I definitely have the time to do so. IDK man, everything happens for a reason. For now I will stay the course. I'll also, drown myself in all things film. I don't need to go into this program looking like a total and complete novice. My friend is going to try to hook me up with one of her homebois who does documentaries. I need to get my feet wet in the field and learn my history. I won't know where I'm going as a future director until I learn where everyone else went.
*laughs out-loud* I love this song!
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