Thursday, January 1

final RANT of 2008.  

This year wasn't the best, it wasn't the worst. I learned and grew---as did you. Professionally I'm not where I want to be. Though I enjoy some aspects of my job, I'm nearing the end of my stint. I loved it! I learned a lot, met some great people, and made some life long friends. The next move is still in the air, I can't see it, but I know it's there. Personally, I built stronger friendships with my close friends, I even met some new ones. Friendships, like any other relationships have their ups and downs and sometimes you just have to realize that sometimes it's just not worth it. Letting go was one of the key themes in the film, The Curious Case of Benjamin Button---GREAT MOVIE by the way. It's all you can do sometimes and I made the resolve to do it. In terms of romance, I dated a bit but nothing spectacular came from that, such is life. I have clear concrete goals for 2009, some great opportunities, and twenty two years of life experience under my belt. It's all about the journey, ya know. I'm just here for the ride. I won't bore you with anymore else. LOL.

What next?

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1 comments.: to “ final RANT of 2008.

the movement.