Saturday, January 31

Yelawolf versus Hollyweerd.  

Last night I had BIGfun. Attempted to go to a Hawks game for free but the throngs of people trying to take advantage of the "educational incentive program that rewards students with couple dozen vouchers for nosebleed seats" sent us packing back to my place. Came back to my apartment, HAD to watch 'The Game' on the CW (check your local listings). Then we trekked on over to Lenny's Bar. When we arrived the parking lot was pretty full. We got the around 9:30 ish, saw some old friends from college (which makes us sound "old"), hugged, dapped, etc. We found a table near the bar, talked for a few minutes and even entertained the idea of getting a couple Pabst Blue Ribbons!!!! The host was this guy, whose name I can't remember, he was f'ing hilarious. He was an incredible dancer, he basically kept the crowd moving as they listen to DJ Jamad kill it. All of a sudden I smelled the essence of musical ingenuity & freedom in the air. Then we saw her, initially we thought she was a hologram, but upon closer inspection we realized she was real; of flesh and bolts. Janelle Monae and the Wondaland Arts Society had come to show support. I didn't do my groupie dance nor did I bombard her with questions and pic requests. I played it as cool as I could...*faints* LOL. But yeah, shortly there after the show started. We made our way to the stage for the opening act which to be honest with you I don't remember. Their sound was hot though, it was two guys dressed in like they'd just stepped out of WISH. They had a contemporary Cool Kids thing going it was cool, but I was there for the headliners.

Hollyweerd came out after about twenty five minutes. They had laser gloves, Atlanta's Best Dance Crew doing routines in front of the stage, and several hundred tons of energy. Their set was great, they played "Weerdo" of course and I did my new favorite African tribal dance. I also was lucky enough to score a copy of their current album "Electricity Showroom." So Hollyweerd leaves and as Yellewolf's stage is being set, we spot Fantasia Barino is the audience. For me it was QUITE random, but she looked beautiful! She was f'ing HOT.
She was on the side the stage near the front standing with Yellawolf's mother. I'm not sure how that six degrees of seperation plays out but I'd love to know. Anyway, Yellawolf was pretty good, he had a lot of rowdy fans in front of the stage. They develop a nasty stage diving habit which led to some potential violence from so not so diehard fans. After the second failed attempt to crowd surf we gathered our things and dipped out. On the way out we stopped and talked with Rithy from, and we also saw Proton walking around. Then we went to Waffle House from cherry sprites and light banter. It was great. I have some special shout outs: MZB for taking some great pics of "the crowd", Bruce for getting us there safely, Nic for his awkwardly loud "Uwa Uwa" during the show, and Dominique for coming out and helping us make this an evening to remember.







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3 comments.: to “ Yelawolf versus Hollyweerd.

the movement.