Tuesday, February 3

DUDE!!! I'm on Faces of US!!!!  

[click here to see me repping ATLANTA]
shout out to Nic for taking the pic.


FACES OF US is a photo campaign created with the purpose of bringing the fight for LGBT
(Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender) rights to the National spotlight. The campaign is still
small, but growing, and shows the faces and identities of members of the LGBT community
and allies who care about these issues. The fight will not be won unless every legislator in the
United States sees that these are their constituents and that the LGBT community deserves
FULL EQUAL RIGHTS under the law. The American queer community will not be recognized
as first class citizens until every single person in the United States realizes that these people are
their neighbors or their friends, or even part of their family. Somebody who is a member of the
LGBT community, or a human being for that matter, should not have to look beyond the place
that they consider home in order to find equal rights.

"Never be bullied into silence.
Never allow yourself to be made a victim.
Accept no one's definition of your life; define yourself.
Harvey Fierstein

What next?

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