Format Magazine Sits Down with A-Trak
Format: You’re in your mid-20s, you’ve accomplished not only success by financial standards, but you’ve been helping move culture forward. How does that feel and does it weigh against your original goals?
A Trak: Wow man, there’s so many things that I haven’t quite reached that it’s pretty rare for me to sit back and be like “this was it,” because I’m still constantly thinking about the next steps. But it’s been good to see all the different genres, and [the] music that I’ve been involved with to become a lot more exposed to the public now, you know?
Format: I think it was the Red Bull Lecture interview you participated in with DJ Medhi where you said that you wanted to, “make scratching just as enjoyable as music.” Have you done that? And is hip-hop still the core influence in your music?
A Trak: That quote about scratching was probably describing an album that I was working on at that time. Unfortunately, I ended up putting it aside [momentarily], but that quote reflected my aspirations at that point. It was stuff that was obscure and purposefully experimental and for me having one foot in that scene and one foot in the other scene,....READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.
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