Smelly Cat, Smelly Cat, It's Not Your Fault.
So this morning I decided that since I have to stay at work until 9:00 p.m. I'll go in late. I lounged for about 30 minutes and then decided to just go on in because I was bored. I'd arranged to get picked up but at the last minute I decided to walk. I needed to clear my head. As I was walking and thinking I was getting kinda bummed due to some personal issues but I pressed on. I was almost halfway there when I saw this on the Fulton Street Bridge. A dehydrated, weak, injured kitten. My initial thought was "how the fuck did you get here?" it was the middle of the bridge? I didn't know what to do so I stared at it. It stared back, I smiled and it continued staring at me blankly. Then it meowed and my recently chilled heart began to melt. Here I was on the way to work feeling sorry for myself and this little kitten is here basically dying on a bridge. I called a few people with no luck, sent out some BBM's and text messages and I finally got in touch with my boss. He said he was coming and that my co-worker would take the kitten. So I'm waiting, making small talk with Fulton (I named her) and I decided against my better judgment to pick her up. Big mistake, the little bitch gnawed on my finger. I walked her across the bridge to Turner Field and my boss and co-worker arrived shortly there after. They brought a little mini Dixie cup that they cute in half. We gave Fulton some spring water and she lapped it like a camel. Her little body was trembling, it was bad. We let her have her fill of water and then we made a little make shift bed for her in the back seat. My boss looked up directions to a Humane Society near Piedmont Park off Beverly that didn't fucking exist so we drove to the one on Howell Mill. We parked make our way to the entrance and the doors are locked. Apparently they were on lunch for another 15 minutes. Groundbreaking. My co-worker notices a side door is unlocked so we go inside. The b**** at the desk tells us they're on lunch to which I reply I know but can we sit inside the waiting area. That stupid c*** said no that the office is closed and we'd have to wait outside. So I calmly walk outside suppressing my urge to come across that desk and stick one of those clipboards up her rude ass. We wait 13 minutes. A woman comes out and motions us inside. Then we find out that we're at the wrong part of the Atlanta Humane Society and that we need to go around the corner to the lost and found animals section. Fine. We go there, wait another 10 or 15 minutes (which was bizarre seeing as how we were the only ones there) Finally the clerk asks us some questions and tells us that since Fulton is injured, we have to take her to Fulton County Animal Control. We smiled and exit. She gave us an information sheet with a map with acute angles and lines so of course we got lost for next 20 minutes. My phone dies so Kevin whips out his GPS. We make it to this place. Go inside, I fill out some paper work that basically said "You're not the owner, if this animal isn't adoptable we're gonna kill it." The lady at the counter was rather crotchety and senile but helpful nonetheless. My boss left his information so that if they do decide to euthenize Fulton he'll come get her. And that was my morning. I left feeling even more depressed than I was before I left. So far today sucked. I really hope Fulton is okay and that she finds a good home.
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