Monday, July 27

FORMAT mag [Interview w/ Tim William]  


I just found this it's from 2008 but it's new to me.

In 1989 when “Saved by the Bell” first aired on television, Zach, Lisa, Kelly, Slater, Jessie and Screech had no idea that almost 20-years later Tim William would be performing a partially inspired song about the sitcom called, “She’s so 80s” during shows around the country. After the soundtrack for the ‘90s hit television series reached the stores in 1995, Tim had already gained an infatuation with music and had been swept away by the arts. Recently coming off tour with Gym Class Heroes on the Van’s Warped Tour and working on a project with Travis McCoy, the New York native plans to change the face of music with Him After Her releasing on iTunes on October 7, 2008. Thanks to Tim William and his band, the Arcade Stars, the bellsjust might save the music.

“They might try to label me but then, I’ll sit down at a piano and sing a song like John Legend or Alicia Keys and then I’ll stand up and rock out like Fall Out Boy.”

Format: Who is Tim William?
Tim: Tim William is a musician; a keyboardist for Kidz in the Hall, Gym Class Heroes and Tim William is a sex symbol. Tim William is an icon for life, itself.

Format: Do you share the same interest as Kidz in The Hall and their infatuation with NaturaLambs?
Tim: With what? NaturaLambs? Nope. We share none of the same interest.

Format: [Laughs] What’s your relationship like with Major League Entertainment and what’s their role in your career and how much input do they have in the creative process?
Tim: Major League Entertainment is like “The Little Engine That Could.” They are my management and they are playing the role of a label while I’m unsigned. They also handle all my business management and they do play a role as far as taking in consideration their creative input.

Format: Your music seems to be inspired by the whole 80s, Rock mezcla. What happens to Tim William after the whole fad is over?
Tim: Ohhh. Let’s just eliminate that question all together. That doesn’t inspire my music at all. I listen to everything from Fall Out Boy to Gym Class, to Coldplay to Prince. I’m super-eclectic when it comes to what I listen to, I work with so many people and I think my work shows how spread apart that is. I work with people from Sweden to New York.


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