Tuesday, September 29

FAME KILLS TOUR story line...  

"Gaga says they will use a new stage that stretches from one side of the arena to the
other - "imagine an in-the-round experience, but larger," Gaga said.

While she was typically coy about revealing too many details about the tour,
she did say that she and West would "spend a lot of time onstage together."

Gaga also provided a look inside the notion behind the show - and, for fans of
the flamboyantly bizarre singer, the high-concept show sounds as though it will
be unlikely to disappoint.

"The storyline is that Kanye is on one end of the stage and I'm on the other,
and the whole show, we are trying to get to where each other is," she said. "
I want something that he has, which is the fame, and he wants something that
I have, which is home, and my humble beginnings. So we battle each other throughout
the entire performance to steal each other's spaces."

"So I'm essentially on a quest to kill Kanye West to steal his fame."

Not that she really needs it."


What next?

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