I was wandering the world wide web and found this. I dig it.
I found it here on someone's flickr.
I'd totally buy this and put it in my apartment.
they said:
"a few minutes' sketch off the awesome musician's album cover that I'll probably be too lazy
to finish. if you don't know her, then check out the epic sci-fi music video for Many Moons!
skip ahead to the music! if you're not hooked, then... well I don't care. let's get a smoothie."
The Wondaland Arts Society, home of Janelle Monáe and Deep Cotton, wants you! We're looking for college students and recent graduates to intern with us. We are seeking applicants who specialize/are interested in business and artist management, accounting, audio engineering, computer programming/coding, marketing, art/graphic design, or journalism and would like to sharpen their craft via hands-on experience working with an up-and-coming record label. It is preferable that applicants: Reside in the Atlanta area.Have a reliable form of transportationHave a laptop, mobile device with internet, and/or reliable access to a computer with internetSpecialize in/be focused on a particular area of expertiseBe able to dedicate at least 10 to 15 hrs a week to the internship***Experience with social networking (ie. Facebook, Twitter, Myspace) is not required but a definite plus!If you think that you or someone you know would be interested in this opportunity, Please submit your resume and a short essay (no more than 2 paragraphs) on who you are, what you do, and why you would be a good addition to the W.A.S. team. Please send all submissions to: PLEASE do not reply to or inquire via Janelle Monáe's facebook page. The deadline for submission is September 30, 2009. We look forward to hearing from you. Thanks a trillion,The Wondaland Arts Society
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