Tuesday, November 17

hubba hubba???  

i saw the 'video phone' video. it moved me not. a lot of people like (and it speaks to their taste).
i'm tired of blank backgrounds, weave patting choreography and posing. i honestly was excited to
see two titans collide and create something stunning, especially after the release date was
postponed. ultimately the video was a multicolored version of 'check up on it' (another well
written insta-classic). i don't really know why laga gaga was present? she served no propose.
she was basically a Caucasian shadow (miming beyonce). i'm all for pr but she should have
politely declined and went on with prepping for the release of 'the fame monster'. i'm over so
the b stans, simply because they don't know how to critique or choose not too. if she makes it
they swoon & it baffles me. i like a lot of different artist but i stan for no one because no one is
that good
(except prince). i like to dialogue but all i've been hearing is "she looked good.", "she
went off.", etc and so on. beyond costume changes, make up, ass shaking & posing there is no
meat to this clip. like none. it could just as easily be photoshoot footage with music attached.
it would be one thing if this was done purposely (that's definitely not the case). i don't know,
when it comes to art, pop culture, and creativity i often feel alone. people are too cavalier,
tossing accolades and distinction around so freely. the queen? honestly? "she's sells records!"
so does Soulja Boy. she ain't my damn queen. don't get me wrong, she's a great performer and
singer. that's about it. anyway, i digress. that video was lame. if you can honestly tell me you
thought it was significant, creative and well crafted you should seek professional help.

i couldn't post it here, i just couldn't.

What next?

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the movement.