Metropolis | Suite 1 (of4) : The Chase
I'm going to honestly admit to myself and to all of you that I am not a patient man. In this new age of high speed internet, instant messaging, 30 minute meals, SMS text, and red eye jets, I figure time is valuable and I don't like to feel like my time is being wasted. Last night while sitting in the dimly lit Apache cafe, I went through a full spectrum of intense emotions. My anticipation for this performance had sustained me for most of the week. We found some seating, I observed the diverse crowd of hipster, trendy off brand-tall-white-mocha-latte-20 somethings intermingling with a cavalier attitude about the evening, just there to be there and to soak in the soul.
I suffered (harsh word huh) through a total (approx.) seven opening acts...I remember the first and the last, everything in between seemed to be a boggling blur of loud obnoxious sounds and cacophonous clamor that made me feel like an old fart, because I honestly wanted to ask them to turn the music down. The first opening act was a tapper.....he was cool. I like tap, he kilt I will say that....The Jaspects I'll admit were good...but since they were one of the last few before Janelle came out....I wasn't feeling like "throwing up my J's".....I wanted to throw my drink on stage (if I could afford one)....I was dead tired of jazz and it seemed like they played an entire anthology. I wanted Janelle, no substitutions. We got there @ 8, got inside the place @ 9:30 Janelle came out at 1:37 am....I was beyond pissed.

I'm hooked, like a trout.

January 2, 2008 at 1:34 PM
I have never stood that long in my life! My feet we killing me. By th time she finally came out, my feet were numb!
This was also my first time seeing her and I did enjoy it, just didn't like the wait.