Category 27
streetlights [] from chase. on Vimeo.
2009 was a hell of a year.
it brought so much change.
i can only imagine what's to come.
this video is a blip.
an arbitrary 3 minute project.
me and my friends promenading through Atlanta.
Posted in film, RANDOM, rant., streetlights, vimeo by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
MY new favorite pasttime.
I like to play Connect Four. I enjoy observing people while
they play and beat me. I'm not sure what it is about board games,
video games, and even some card games---I suck. I still enjoying
playing but not for the sport. Since I always insist on being black,
I enjoy the smug smirk people get when they plunk down their 4th
strategically placed red checker. I must admit initially it disturbed
me that I couldn't win a game designed for children ages seven and up.
I guess it's one of those things. Still, it pickles me tink when people
beat me and bask in their moment of mental superiority.
Posted in Connect Four, RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
the Kid.
Hustler Watch: Kid Cudi from Eighty81 on Vimeo.
i saw this on onsmash & kanye's blog.
Posted in Kid Cudi by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
College Memories
This song reminds me of my first two years of college.
Living in the dorms, frolicking freely, being a semi-adult.
Posted in College, humor, rant. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
DJ SPK [presents] Pump Up The Volume.
I'm huge fan of DJ SPK! You should be too!
This is her first OFFICIAL mixtape.
I love it! A LOT.
Download her Mixtape in 5...4...3...2...
ONE[click here]
Posted in DJ SPK by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
In lieu of some cliche holiday themed vocabulary term I choose something a little more poignant. We all know a thing or two about "sexting" & hooking up doesn't matter if you are bitterly divorced, recently dumped, single or cheating on your significant others. What with it being Christmas Eve, most of the holiday hoes are horny and scouring their phones for someone to warm up their crotch tonight. Good Lick, I mean LUCK.

Sexting (verb) - the act of text messaging someone in the hopes
of having a sexual encounter with them later; initially casual,
transitioning into highly suggestive and even sexually explicit
1. "So, David keeps sexting me saying how hard he is and how much he wants to get all up in
this," Elle said gently massaging her breasts unconsciously.
2. [Sexting in ACTION]
Jo: "Wut do u want?"
Sam: "Cum over to my place now."
Jo: "Is NE1 else there?"
Sam: "No. I need to c u, like right now."
Jo: "K. B there soon."
Thanks []
Posted in This Week's LEXICAL ITEM by Locked Inside | 1 comments.
Albums of the Year. [2008]
This has been a great year in music.
Personally, I've had some astonishing music related experiences this year.
Some were amazing, some orgasmic, some unbelievable, some fantastic.
With Chester French, Janelle Monae, Kanye and a slew of other artist releasing albums
next year, I'm sure 2009 will be teeming with talent.
I've compiled a list my favorite albums this year.
They are rank in order based on awesomeness.
The top ten are the best (of course).
"If it ain't on here, I ain't trying to hear it."
1. Solange Knowles - Sol-Angel and the
2. Lupe Fiasco - The Cool
3. Kanye West - 808's & Heartbreak
4. Gnarls Barkley - The Odd Couple
5. Raphael Saadiq - The Way I See It
6. Sam Sparro - Sam Sparro
7. Santogold - Santogold
8. MGMT - Oracular Spectacular
9. Janelle Monae - Metropolis The Chase
11. Kanye West - Graduation
12. Black Kids - Partie Traumatic
13. Britney Spears - Circus
14. Proton - Red & Purple Vol. 1
15. Lloyd - Lessons In Love
16. N.E.R.D - Seeing Sounds
17. Madonna - Hard Candy
18. Wale - Mixtape About Nothing
19. Lil Wayne - The Carter III
20. The Killers - Day & Age
21. Beck - Modern Guilt
22. Q-Tip - The Renaissance
23. Coldplay - Viva La Vida
24. The Cool Kids - The Bake
25. Michelle Williams - Unexpected
26. John Legend - Evolver
27. Grace Jones - Hurricane
28. Keane - Perfect Symmetry
29. Lenny Kravitz - It's Time For A Love Revolution
30. Portishead - Third
31. Colin Munroe - Colin Munroe is the Unsung Hero
Posted in Album Review by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
I got a special treat for ya...
Posted in humor, RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Life is TOO SHORT.
Posted in RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
I love this record.
Posted in 88-Keys, The Death of Adam by Locked Inside | 1 comments.
Lenny's Bar
I'd been meaning to go to Lenny's Bar for a while. I missed tons of Janelle Monae shows there thinking
it was in Decatur when it's actually on Decatur street. Go figure, yeah so I went last night to "Down & Dirty."
I'd planned on going with people but that kind of fell through.I was torn because I didn't want to go stag.
But since you only live once, I decided to trek there by myself, because not going & sitting in my apt. for another night
was not in the cards. I made my way through the hood that is my block and hopped on the first thing smoking east of 5 Points.
Getting there was easy as pie, for all my fellow MARTA patrons take eastbound to King Memorial and walk a few blocks.
Yea, so Lenny's is a nice, low key, diverse, eclectic spot. There's pool, booze, regular people, and no pretense.
I eased in, since I was flying solo I didn't want to look like I was out of place, LOL. I made my waynear the stage and
grabbed a seat. I sat there and jammed for a minute, the DJ was dope. He had skills I remember he mixed the new
Common record with this super old school beat, it was love. I got myself a rum and coke and just kind of fucked around
for a bit. I saw this random girl I knew from some class a million years ago, and talked to a few strangers.
I only stayed for an hour because I knew I was riding the train home and I didn't know exactly what time the
hoodlums hit the streets to rob dirt poor unsuspecting kids like myself. I enjoyed my brief little foray into Lenny's world.
I'll definitely make my way back up that way. If you're in the downtown area, just wanna go someone where no-body knows
your name and their probably too into their drink and the music to care, check out Lenny's Bar on Decatur St.
Posted in Atlanta Night Life, Special ATL Event by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
[feet] from chase. on Vimeo.
Posted in film, RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Black Christmas.
The Drifters - White Christmas [click to hear/download]
is my absolute favorite Christmas Song.
I think it's because Home Alone is one of my favorite Christmas movies.
Sidenote: I want a black Christmas tree!
Posted in rant., The Drifters by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
it's amazing.
Lil Balloon from Sébastien Abes on Vimeo.
the colors are brilliant, i love this.
Posted in Art, RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
anybody up for some
Sadomasochism & Latex Play?
Posted in Madonna, RANDOM by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Cadillac Records.
Posted in film, Good Movies by Locked Inside | 1 comments.
Sooner or Later It All Comes Crashing DOWN.
Posted in N.E.R.D., Seeing Sounds by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Client Spotlight
I produced this for Dominique. She is the dopest make-up artist in all the land.
Sadly as a guy I can't take advantage of her services but all you ladies should.
She can get it DONE.
Posted in by Locked Inside | 1 comments.
Common - “Universal Mind Control”
[The Album]
I love Common, I worship Common after all is there a anybody in this wretched world who doesn't. I own most of his albums. He always delivers and he always do so in his own way. I like this album a lot. I think he did his thing in the studio with The Neptunes. I will say that I'm not sure if I like it as much as his last album----that album was amazing. But yeah...
Below: Common's 8th studio album track by track.
Universal Mind Control - The beat is hypnotic (clearly The Neptunes can't lose).
The moment I heard this record I had high expectations for this record.
Punk Drunk Love - This is a decent track. I don't love it, don't hate it. I may dig it in the future.
I feel like Kanye was just thrown in.
Make My Day - The BEST SONG ON THIS RECORD if only because I think Ceelo is king.
But no, this song is a smash.
Sex 4 Sugar - This track is okay...
The rhymes are kinda weak to me...Common is better than this.
Then again what do I know...No actually, I stand by my comment.
He is much better than this.
Announcement - This could possibly be my new shit.
I love this one. Heard it before and I loved it then.
Gladiator - This song sounds like the Common of albums past.
The production is meaty and the rhymes are effortless.
Changes - You gotta do an Obama record! LOL.
I don't me it is a little cheesy.
Inhale - I like it.
What A World - FUCK YES! Chester French!
This is my second favorite track. D.A. & Max funk it up.
I think is is incredible. Insanely good.
Posted in Common by Locked Inside | 2 comments.
Prince Presto+The GLAMOUR
The good people over @ [Tunde] wanted me to share something with you all.
Tunde designed the cover for Prince Presto's The Glamour.
YOU GOTTA CHECK IT OUT. I just listened to some of it. INSANE.
Listen for yourself.
Posted in Bi-Monthly Mixtape, FRESH.i.AM., Prince Presto by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Beyonce'd (verb) -
To ruthlessly steal an idea/concept/song/outfit/career/theme or prop from another artist.
see link for references.
Andrew: Hey did you see that new Duffy video?
Lance: Yeah, it was pretty good. It's crazy how she totally beyonce'd Amy Winehouse's career.
Andrew: No she didn't! It's not like she handed her the crack pipe!
Lance: Didn't she Drew, didn't she.
Posted in This Week's LEXICAL ITEM by Locked Inside | 2 comments.
Can't Tell Him Nothing.
Insanely good performances.
The video screens, his energy, the music, the lyrics.
Insanely good.
Posted in Kanye West, Mr. West by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
random thought.
Janelle Monae is so much more talented than Rihanna.
That is all.
Posted in Janelle Monae, Rihanna by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Sam Sparro Interview
Australian electro-pop singer and former child actor Sam Sparro enjoyed a global smash this year with Black and Gold, a whole world away from his first paid gig in a McDonald's advert. He talks about success, mixtapes, styling himself and Pat Kenny being a plank.
Where did you get the idea to do an online mixtape entitled Songs Not Bombs?
Actually, it's quite a funny one. I read that I had done a mixtape called Songs Not Bombs and I hadn't, so I thought I might as well. It was a nice opportunity to mix up a load of my favourites tunes both new and old -- so you've got MIA, Klaxons, The Gossip, Roísín Murphy and old classics from Soul II Soul and Visage.
So are a lot of other things that are written and said about you happen to be untrue?
I'd say between 40-50pc of what's printed is inaccurate. There tends to be so much cut and paste in journalism. I've read that my dad is a baptist minister and my mum used to be Miss Finland.
My father was a gospel recording artist but his tastes were very diverse. My grandfather is a well-know jazz musician and played with Frank Sinatra and Sammy Davis Jr in a television orchestra. My grandmother seems to check my Myspace page every day, which is funny!
You've taken full control of all your artwork and videos. Is this proving to be rewarding or demanding?
I love the creative side of it. Creating graphics and making videos is so much fun and extremely rewarding. It's the plus side of the job. I love the singing, dressing up and having fun. The endless travelling can be a drag, and so can endlessly talking about myself! While I like a lot of things about touring, it's not a normal way to live. Some people go on the road and never come back -- look at the likes of Axl Rose! You go a bit loopy, so it's good to get back to reality.
Was your success and the amount of airplay you're getting unexpected?
Yeah, because I was just making stuff for myself in my bedroom, so to have played on radio all around the world is amazing.
I never expected it to take off the way it has, but it's so exciting. I want my music to take people out of their own life a bit and make them feel happy and feel that they're more than what they think they are, whatever that is. The world is not as ordinary as people want you to think it is.
If the music can make you forget about your stupid job and your bills and your relationship problems for half an hour, I'm happy with that.
Do you intend to act again or do you harbour any other creative ambitions?
I'd like to do get round to some side projects and release other music under different aliases. I'd also like to do some filming again, but on the other side of the camera and do something that isn't too fluffy.
Posted in Sam Sparro by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Real World Brooklyn Trailer.
Remember the post about the Real World 21: Brooklyn? Well I just found a trailer.
This is not your older brother's Real World, it reminds me of the trailor for Seven Pounds.
Since I'm a little more emo which each passing day, I look forward to watching things unfold.
Posted in MTV, Real World Brooklyn by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Bonus (from Paper Mag) Ryan Leslie
Ryan Leslie is here for a recording session (and our interview) wearing a Diesel jacket and YSL shoes so shiny-black they justify keeping his Gucci sunglasses on. And though the 30-year-old singer and producer won't leave this room for eight hours (today he's working on songs for Jennifer Lopez), he's in the middle of a show. “When this thing is on, which it always is, I'm on stage." The "thing" Leslie is referring to is a video camera -- Leslie films his every waking moment. He wants to set an example, one that encompasses not only producing and performing, but "my shortcomings, my faults, my obsessive behavior." The edited footage is posted on YouTube, where you can see him crafting all the tracks that will appear on his forthcoming debut self-titled LP, due out in February.
Leslie's inexhaustible energy has always needed big outlets. He went to Harvard at age 15 after scoring a 1600 on the SATs. While studying, he also taught himself music production. After graduation, he discovered and steered the career of model-turned-Bad Boy Records chanteuse Cassie, and the women and breakups that ensued fuel most of his new album. Take "I.R.I.N.A," a song Leslie says is about post-breakup depression. The "Irina" of that song is model Irina Sheik, just one of several models Leslie's been linked to. But he bristles at the idea of filming these much-filmed women: "Oh ... no!" He smiles. "We don't film after the date is over."
Posted in Paper Magazine, Ryan Leslie by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Solange on Paper [Mag]
The first time that I probably realized, 'OK, this is not a stereotypical black girl moment,' I was in the fourth grade... I went to a record store and bought all these Alanis Morissette and Fiona Apple records," recalls Solange Knowles with a laugh. "I remember coming home and blasting them in my room, and my mother being like, 'That's devil worship music!'"
Knowles is tucked sweetly, if sickly, into the corner of a banquette in the restaurant of a W Hotel in Manhattan, nursing a mean cold or flu -- "I don't even want to tell you what I think I have, because you'll be like, 'Let me sit back'" -- but every bit the professional, she has shown up for the fight, ready to answer whatever questions I might have in an effort to further promote her new record, SoL-AngeL & the Hadley St. Dreams, with the aim of not merely getting people to buy it, but to understand it... and to understand her.
Sipping chamomile tea, wearing a white Armani sweater draped over her impossibly small shoulders, Armani velour jeans and shiny white patent leather jazz shoes, she looks something like a beautiful, frail bird whose wings have been flapping much too fast of late. Far from the vibrant soul-queen persona she affects in videos and public appearances (and the accompanying pictures here), today Solange is decidedly subdued and the lips are un-glossed -- not for nothing, neither. In the past two weeks, she's jetted from Paris to New York to Bermuda and back to New York, performing, doing photo shoots and press, filming a video, and being a mom to her 4-year-old son, Julez. "The problem is that I haven't had just one night or day to really just rest," she says, the need for rest practically pulsating from her body. Knowles insists, though, that after this interview, and another performance the next day, she's going to take a break. When I ask her why she works herself so hard, she explains, "I come from a family of workaholics. Both of my parents have hustler spirits. So whenever you grow up in that kind of household, you know, it's just a hustler spirit -- work, work, work. It's hard to know anything else." .... For the Full Article Click Here.
Posted in Paper Magazine, SOL-Angel and the Hadley Street Dreams, Solange by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
The Real World Brooklyn
Posted in MTV, Real World Brooklyn by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Still The One...
I used to love this song and I still do. How could you not like this damn song.
Posted in RANDOM, rant., Shania Twain by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Solange & Wilson Cruz Party It Up.
Posted in Solange by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Reel Black Talk
"In order to achieve even a modicum of success, Black filmmakers
sometimes have to go through extraordinary circumstances."
--Spencer Moon, Reel Black Talk (my cousin!)
I'm starting my informal training. In order to fully prepare myself for what is to come I must throw myself into learning as much as humanly possible. Why, the answer is twofold:
1. Nobody wants to look green. Still, I need to get myself up to speed, learn the basics, and get some much needed historical perspective.
2. I didn't major in film, actually up until a few months ago I had no sincere interest in film. I need to know if this is what I really want to do. It is. But I just want to make sure. LOL.
Posted in film by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
I'm doing this.
DFF Promo from Disposable Film Festival on Vimeo.
Posted in film by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
R-Les The Pres: How It Was Supposed To Be Video
He's basically telling the game; "yeah, r&b,hip-hop, rock...I do it all."
Posted in Ryan Leslie by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Fallout Boy Reminder
So far so GOOD! Got a chance to sample some their new stuff, I dig it.
check them out!
Posted in Fallout Boy by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
this whole grad school thing.
As you may or may not know, I applied for grad school. I wanted to jump in this Spring and study Film. I submitted my application in October so you can imagine my dismay when I didn't hear a peep from the admissions board by December. I got into contact with one of the directors...Long story short,I got an email this morning and I was told that my application was incomplete. Of course my initial reaction was rage. I started flipping through my records and preparing a full scale investigation, but then I stopped. I don't know what happened or why my letter of intent (a letter that I spent quite a bit of time on) did not post to the system, but right now I can't do anything about it. So in effort to support proactive thinking, I went downstairs and got something to nourish my body and mind. As I ate, I thought. It is not the end of the world. I'm twenty two and I have time. The person I spoke with gave me some sound advice, and he was basically letting me know that I should not panic because: "our policy is that we accept new production students in the fall semester only, so you really wouldn't be losing time here." Then I thought to myself, shit if I knew that I definitely would've waited for fall. He did have one concern about my my math/quantitative score on the GRE. He said I should "try to raise that score a little bit" and now I definitely have the time to do so. IDK man, everything happens for a reason. For now I will stay the course. I'll also, drown myself in all things film. I don't need to go into this program looking like a total and complete novice. My friend is going to try to hook me up with one of her homebois who does documentaries. I need to get my feet wet in the field and learn my history. I won't know where I'm going as a future director until I learn where everyone else went.
*laughs out-loud* I love this song!
Posted in RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
day & nite video: Kid Cudi
A few Words From The Kid:
"Im jus Cudi u know? wierd...i love cheeseburgers and beer...i only make music about lifes goal is to live on the moon lol....ima Lover, ima difficult 2 deal wit at times...a lot of people dont "get" workin on who iam thru my music right now which is why ull hear a lot of personal records from me, jus open up 2 me cuz im openin up 2 yall...ummm, im not da most insightful rapper, im not ya Talib Kweli, ya Mos Def, ya Kanye, uhhh ya Common, or anyone like dat...i dont consider myself a genius, but i aint a dummy either...if u like my music its not gonna b bcuz of some witty line i said or me bein political, its gonna b bcuz u connect with me as a person n u relate 2 my story at the same puttin yaself n my SB Dunks u feel me?...dats it....(o and u mite jus love my hooks on Dot Da Genius beats lol) im not the president, so dont expect me to go there not dat person...but if u wanna hear suttin soooo awesomely dope, different, deep, passionate, fun, and abstract, then look no further fella ya found him lol...ima grinder jus like yall, so walk thru my grind wit me...i jus wanna make good shit at the same time give others hope....its bigger than me at the end of the day"
Posted in Kid Cudi by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
more Mr.Hudson
Here is one more from Mr.Hudson, I really like this one.
It's called "Picture of You" it reminds me of one of my favorite films [Closer].
Posted in Mr.Hudson by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
The Killers: Day and Age
Posted in Day and Age, The Killers by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
How Janelle found out...
{First-time Grammy nominee Janelle Monae should have known something was going on the night of the announcement when the head of her record label, entertainment mogul Sean “Diddy” Combs, rang her phone off the hook while she was also in Las Vegas, at Cirque du Soleil. “There I was, so excited, enjoying my birthday present from the guys, the Wondaland Arts Society —- my birthday was Monday —- and Puff [another Combs nickname] was calling all of our phones,” the Atlantan recalled. “He was so excited. Nobody was expecting this… . I don’t have a [full-length] major, big album. I don’t have a big radio single … and to still be recognized [in the urban/alternative performance category for “Many Moons”] among so many talented people is just a blessing.”} She's so humble and sincere. I love her.
Posted in Janelle Monae by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
Coldest Winter...
today the wind took my new scarf...
when i realized it broke my fucking heart.
i mean i don't have shit, that was my newest, most prized possession.
i'm not tripping, actually i am but i will stop.
i just hope it finds a good home...
fyi: i'm"over it all" and will be until further notice.
about thirty minutes after i wrote this
my last pair of earbuds stopped working.
oh what a world.
Posted in RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 2 comments.
Honestly, I have no interest in watching drama unfold at a Catholic school in the Bronx.
I want to see this movie because I'm a enormous fan of Meryl Streep's acting.
She is divine.
I mean let us take a look at some of her work:
She-Devil, Angels in America, The Devil Wears Prada, Death Becomes Her (just to name a few).
I just like to watch her work her magic.
Posted in Good Movies by Locked Inside | 1 comments.
support Chester French!
Posted in Chester French by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
the MUSICAL...Jennifer Lewis steals the show!
Posted in humor, RANDOM by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
51st Annual Grammy Awards Nominations
51st Annual Grammy Awards Nominations
(Award to the Artist and to the Producer(s), Recording Engineer(s) and/or Mixer(s), if other than the artist.)
- Chasing Pavements
Eg White, producer; Tom Elmhirst & Steve Price, engineers/mixers
Track from: 19
[XL Recordings/Columbia] - Viva La Vida
Markus Dravs, Brian Eno & Rik Simpson, producers; Michael Brauer & Rik Simpson, engineers/mixers
Track from: Viva La Vida Or Death And All His Friends
[Capitol Records] - Bleeding Love
Leona Lewis
Simon Cowell, Clive Davis & Ryan "Alias" Tedder, producers; Craig Durrance, Phil Tan & Ryan "Alias" Tedder, engineers/mixers
[J Records/SYCO Music] - Paper Planes
Diplo, producer; Switch, engineer/mixer
Track from: Kala
[Interscope] - Please Read The Letter
Robert Plant & Alison Krauss
T Bone Burnett, producer; Mike Piersante, engineer/mixer
Track from: Raising Sand
Best Urban/Alternative Performance
(For solo, duo, group or collaborative performances, with vocals. Singles or Tracks only.)
- Say Goodbye To Love
Track from: Make Sure They See My Face
[Star Trak/Interscope] - Wanna Be
Track from: This Much Is True:
[Eusonia Records] - Be OK
Chrisette Michele Featuring
Track from: I Am
[Def Jam] - Many Moons
Janelle Monae
Track from: Metropolis: The Chase Suite (Special Edition)
[Wondaland/Bad Boy] - Lovin You (Music)
Wayna Featuring Kokayi
Track from: Higher Ground
[Quiet Power Productions, LLC]
Posted in Grammy Awards 2009, Janelle Monae, M.I.A. by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
SEP (noun) -
"Someone Else's Problem"
I thought we would have problems with that project,
but it's SEP now that the manager has been fired.
for the literary scholars...
thanks Urban!
Posted in This Week's LEXICAL ITEM by Locked Inside | 1 comments.
"sunglasses display mannequin Kanye West..."
Posted in humor, Kanye West, Stephen Colbert, The Colbert Report by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
an actual blog; one of few.
changed a few small details to freshen things up.
Posted in RANDOM, rant. by Locked Inside | 2 comments.
Get it HERE!
you can't beat free music.
and you definitely can't beat free GOOD music.
album review coming soon.
Posted in Colin Munroe by Locked Inside | 0 comments.
the movement.
hall of records.
- December 2009 (24)
- November 2009 (32)
- October 2009 (39)
- September 2009 (50)
- August 2009 (32)
- July 2009 (64)
- June 2009 (70)
- May 2009 (40)
- April 2009 (48)
- March 2009 (60)
- February 2009 (74)
- January 2009 (75)
- December 2008 (62)
- November 2008 (57)
- October 2008 (84)
- September 2008 (54)
- August 2008 (41)
- July 2008 (57)
- June 2008 (29)
- May 2008 (19)
- April 2008 (27)
- March 2008 (45)
- February 2008 (30)
- January 2008 (38)
- December 2007 (13)
- November 2007 (5)
- October 2007 (9)
- September 2007 (15)
- August 2007 (6)

- Black Kids
- Bluey Robinson
- Chester French
- Gnarls Barkley
- J*Davey
- Janelle Monáe
- Jonte
- Kanye West
- Kid Cudi
- Kid Sister
- Lady Gaga
- Last Offence
- Lupe Fiasco
- Lykke Li
- M.I.A.
- Master Shortie
- N.E.R.D.
- Pharrell Williams
- Prince
- Raphael Saadiq
- Ryan Leslie
- Rye Rye
- Sam Sparro
- Santigold
- Solange
- Tim William
- Zero 7
- +FRESH.i.AM+
- [mtv MUSIC]
- Andy Warhol.
- Art Nouveau Magazine.
- Artst.
- ATL Creatives.
- Chester French.
- Come Up Kids.
- Creative Loafing.
- Flickr.
- Format Magazine.
- Gawker.
- Geekologie.
- Hype Beast.
- Jean-Michel Basquiat.
- Kanye Live.
- Love B. Scott.
- Lucy McRae.
- Marshall Mcluhan.
- Men's Rag.
- Men.Style.
- Metrosexualo
- Monocle Magazine.
- MusikChild Online
- MySpace.
- New Now Next.
- Oh No They Didnt.
- Paste Magazine.
- Radar Magazine.
- Standard ATL.
- TechFresh.
- Texts From Last Night.
- The Brilliance.
- The Fader.
- The Fast Life.
- The Think Movement.
- TimWilliam.Tumblr.
- Urb Magazine.
- Vibe Magazine.
- Video In My Backyard.
- Vimeo.
- Xlr8r