Kanye released this a few days ago. I'm posting it now because I didn't know if it was the real deal. "Streetlights" is not a single but he (a man who is all about artistry) still made a video for it. "Streetlights" is my favorite song from 808's because it's so dour and sincere--much like the rest of the album, LOL but even still I like MOST. This video reminds me of those video games outside of walmart, where you get in to a sliced car replica and frantically turn the wheel and pump the gas throttling toward some obscure digital destination...I didn't like the "Heartless" video so much but oddly, this one I enjoy---there's something about it.
I got this from elitaste.com/blog/. This can't be real. He went ham over a video game. I rather enjoyed his Exorcist impersonation. If this is real his little brother is a scoundrel and I like his style.
Last year I took part of a video project with the CDC for an effort they we're launching called CDC TV. I totally forgot about it. Well...it's launched. I got the email today. I look and sound awkward but hey anything to get the word out there right... sidenote: I LOOK SO WEIRD WITH HAIR. http://www.cdc.gov/CDCtv/NeedToKnow/
JONTE is a force of nature that combines trace amounts of the naturally occurring elements: Grace Jones, Prince, and Keith Haring. He's an ode to androgyny and a sonnet to sexuality. This choreography is insane...The art direction is magnificent! DARE TO BE DIFFERENT...HE DOUBLE DARES YALL.
"Brown Chicken-Brown Cow" - (phrase) An onomatopaeic imitation of the guitar riff commonly heard in 1970's porn movies (bomchickwahwah). EXAMPLE: Theophilus: "Hey, where are Jane and Drake?" Solange: "Brown chicken, brown cow."
Attempting to classify Janelle Monáe is a waste of time.
The Kansas City native has been making her rounds at some of the year's top festivals, including SXSW and Bonaroo. And if her tuxedo and black-and-white saddle shoes are any indicator of what's to come, then her show is definitely a break from the norm.
This week, the petite 25-year-old hits the road again, opening for pop group No Doubt's reunion tour. She's been known to throw water on the audience, finger paint and crowd surf.
Her out-of-the-box display of showmanship has clearly worked to her advantage.
"I don't marginalize black people or white people. They either like it or they don't," Monáe declared during an interview with BV Newswire. "People discuss my art and talk about it as though they understand it, but it is never required of them to understand what I am doing. I don't get frustrated by that. I can't help my skin color, but it is very important to show that [black people] are not monolithic, and I'm redefining the stereotypes that have been placed on us."
Say what you will. Michael Jackon's name was synonymous with the King of Pop. King meaning ruler and Pop referring to "Popular Music". That's a meaningful moniker that speaks to true talent and creativity. He was the single most influential ARTIST of our time. He will be missed but never forgotten, ever. - Chase of CHASEOLOGY.COM
Michael was a kind soul with endless talent. He was explosive on stage. His songs benchmark some of the most important moments of my life. I know his fans all over the world share my sadness. Thank you Michael for teaching us our ABC's and 123's Nobody wears a glove like you do. Nobody walks the moon like you do. There will never be another star that shines like you do. I love you Michael!
- Nia Long
I honestly don't think I can handle this right now. Why does it feel like family? My heart is really hurting.
- Solange
I'm hurt. I'm celebrating his life and his music. Dancing and crying and dancing in public. Holding heart-to-heart conversations with complete strangers about one of the things, if not the only thing, we share in common, That Is The Legendary MoonWalker Himself. A white guy in a pickup truck pulled alongside me on the expressway and shouted to me, had I heard about Mike?!? It's surreal and it's everywhere!!! Every time I feel like getting sad, one of his songs comes on, and I'm just filled with
- Lupe Fiasco
This is my good friend K'Roc he did this tribute like a year and a half ago. No blogs today, well maybe later.
Fill your desire for something long, juicy and flame-grilled with the NEW BK SUPER SEVEN INCHER. Yearn for more after you taste the mind-blowing burger that comes with a single beef patty, topped with American cheese, crispy onions and the A.1. Thick & Hearty Steak Sauce. [source.]
TOMI & CHERRY is a creative team of an artist and photographer TOMI and an illustrator, graphic designer and artist CHERRY, and they are based in Buenos Aires, Argentina. Focusing mainly on editorial works like fashion photography, TOMI & CHERRY explore their creation using diverse ways of techniques to somehow take us to a exciting and mystic visual world. TOMI & CHERRY will introduce their own wonderland, mixing what they see and feel as a magical spice to create a new imagination.
How and when did TOMI & CHERRY start?
We started almost without even noticing it. We've been friends for 15 years now; always shared interests, sense of humor and vision of the world. Before our first published work (Fantastic - 2005) we employed free time in creating and affecting our daily surroundings just for the fun of it (and for taking its picture ^_^ ). Building a remunerative workplace was something unplanned. It simply happened. With time, a strong feeling for sense was added to the fun of it, never leaving the absurd behind.
Fresh from a canceled photo shoot and literally lost in the June gloomy underbelly of West LA, the boys that spawned Amazing Baby are seemingly enthusiastic to finally hop out of the late model Chrysler SUV. (Apparently there was a mix up as far as a meeting destination for this interview). And they've still got the rest of the day ahead of them, which includes more press, pictures, and video stuff. Pretty much, all of this has come quite quickly for the members of Amazing Baby, having just formed a little over a year and a half ago. Last year they were just bunking it with ashtrays and cockroaches, but now according to them, things have just slightly upgraded.
URB: So what's going on guys, tell me where you guys reppin'? North East New York almost, Brooklyn pretty much.
URB: Seems you guys have been pretty busy lately, what do you guys have that lies ahead? Rob: We don't have much spare time.
Will: I occasionally like to go to bars.
Rob: Record shopping
Matt: I went to the sauna last night. That was quite enjoyable. I worked up a pretty nice sweat.
Simon: Semi-liquid foods. soups, queso
Will: Well, in New York in general, my life is just pretty much put up between socializing and the working on the band really. I don't think I do anything else. I wish I had some more hobbies. I like working on art projects unfortunately or fortunately i'm only near or surrounded by the band.
URB: You guys seemingly have a lot already under your belts. It has basically gone from The Infinite Fucking Cross (an EP) to Rewild being only together for under two years. That process is usually a lot longer. How did the album come about? Will: The reason to do an album is I guess you wanna have enough music and you usually need to have enough interest to do an album and both of those just happened sort of quickly with us. I think it's because we started the band as a recording project. So within the band's first three months of existence we had three or four songs on the internet making the rounds and that gave us the opportunity for us to keep recording and to play more shows pushing the momentum forward to getting an album out there and because of that, the album recording processes took like an entire year.
Simon: We just started recording an album, playing live came second, as things happened, we were forced to play live, okay not really more like asked, but an album was basically in the works the minute we thought of it, we started this band.
Will: There were aspects or tracks but not like whole complete tracks, they're like small tracks on an album track that were recorded during the first band practice ever, during the band meeting. So it's pretty much gone to demo to recording the entire album the whole time. Read the FULL INTERVIEW straight from the source
Lady Gaga is a performance artist. The energy, vocals, costumes, dancing, lighting & special effects all came together wonderfully. She executed this with precision and style. It only makes me yearn for her tour with KANYE in the fall. The show will kill. check out the rehearsal for this performance.
IN SEARCH OF... some music that appeals to all of your senses. Everybody enjoys a little BRAIN, who wouldn't love a LAPDANCE. N.E.R.D. is our soul PROVIDER for the raw blend of rock, and hip hop that makes the world seem a little bit more bearable. To BOBBY JAMES and the ROCKSTARS of the World, Welcome!!!! If you want some BACKSEAT LOVE. If you wanna JUMP. BREAKOUT with the kids. Don't listen to the DRILL SERGEANT listen to whats inside because it WANTS TO MOVE. Join us and we will ride into the sunset on CHARIOTS OF FIRE. N.E.R.D. will truly help you realize that the world is a WONDERFUL PLACE watch this classic video.
So this morning I decided that since I have to stay at work until 9:00 p.m. I'll go in late. I lounged for about 30 minutes and then decided to just go on in because I was bored. I'd arranged to get picked up but at the last minute I decided to walk. I needed to clear my head. As I was walking and thinking I was getting kinda bummed due to some personal issues but I pressed on. I was almost halfway there when I saw this on the Fulton Street Bridge. A dehydrated, weak, injured kitten. My initial thought was "how the fuck did you get here?" it was the middle of the bridge? I didn't know what to do so I stared at it. It stared back, I smiled and it continued staring at me blankly. Then it meowed and my recently chilled heart began to melt. Here I was on the way to work feeling sorry for myself and this little kitten is here basically dying on a bridge. I called a few people with no luck, sent out some BBM's and text messages and I finally got in touch with my boss. He said he was coming and that my co-worker would take the kitten. So I'm waiting, making small talk with Fulton (I named her) and I decided against my better judgment to pick her up. Big mistake, the little bitch gnawed on my finger. I walked her across the bridge to Turner Field and my boss and co-worker arrived shortly there after. They brought a little mini Dixie cup that they cute in half. We gave Fulton some spring water and she lapped it like a camel. Her little body was trembling, it was bad. We let her have her fill of water and then we made a little make shift bed for her in the back seat. My boss looked up directions to a Humane Society near Piedmont Park off Beverly that didn't fucking exist so we drove to the one on Howell Mill. We parked make our way to the entrance and the doors are locked. Apparently they were on lunch for another 15 minutes. Groundbreaking. My co-worker notices a side door is unlocked so we go inside. The b**** at the desk tells us they're on lunch to which I reply I know but can we sit inside the waiting area. That stupid c*** said no that the office is closed and we'd have to wait outside. So I calmly walk outside suppressing my urge to come across that desk and stick one of those clipboards up her rude ass. We wait 13 minutes. A woman comes out and motions us inside. Then we find out that we're at the wrong part of the Atlanta Humane Society and that we need to go around the corner to the lost and found animals section. Fine. We go there, wait another 10 or 15 minutes (which was bizarre seeing as how we were the only ones there) Finally the clerk asks us some questions and tells us that since Fulton is injured, we have to take her to Fulton County Animal Control. We smiled and exit. She gave us an information sheet with a map with acute angles and lines so of course we got lost for next 20 minutes. My phone dies so Kevin whips out his GPS. We make it to this place. Go inside, I fill out some paper work that basically said "You're not the owner, if this animal isn't adoptable we're gonna kill it." The lady at the counter was rather crotchety and senile but helpful nonetheless. My boss left his information so that if they do decide to euthenize Fulton he'll come get her. And that was my morning. I left feeling even more depressed than I was before I left. So far today sucked. I really hope Fulton is okay and that she finds a good home.
NYC might not be the same, but the tradition of creative leaders is still there. Right now The Twins, Dee and Ricky are seated at the thrown of effecting culture in NYC/the world at the moment. The the duos trends have inspired everyone from Marc Jacobs, Murakami to magazine editors all across the board. Why are they important? Because even tho they are ironically twins, they represent true individualism. You know THE BRILLIANCE!!! is on the "watch-them-blow-up-tip" so heres the backstory in the kids. So when you see them in the streets of NY (odds are high) don't get star struck. And yo, the intern gate is open so form a line ladies.
DEE ON THE INSPIRATION FOR THE LEGO ACCESORIES>>>> "A light bulb never went off we didn't get a chance to pay out electric bill.. But We just did it one day because we were tired or wearing controllers on out waist wanted something more lowkey, we had the lego belt back in 06.. Only ricky was rocking it.. We Had it on ice for a yr.. Then we was at a party in the hamptons ran into one of Marc boys.. He's like yo is that a gucci lego belt?.. Im like yep.. He's like marc would love that im like marc who? He's like marc jacobs im like oword? That's dope.. Then We exchanged contacts.. 2 days later he hits me up like hey dudes im at the mercer.. Come threw bring a couple belts.. Went there enjoyed some beverages polyed at bit.. Gave him some belts.. Next day marc calls us like dude.. I love the belt idea.. Lets do something for fashion week.. Fashion week happend to be a week away but we pulled it off. The show was grand.. And Marc was our big break.. So that's basically how the legos came about it evolved from another idea.. And its ben a success from the likes of takishi and kanye wearing our pieces and a hand full of other celebs and such in that genre." READ THE ENTIRE INTERVIEW @ THE BRILLIANCE.COM... [SOURCE]
"C'Mon" is a great song from a great band. This reggae version goes with anything from toast to egg drop soup. If you don't have "Love The Future"--- upgrade your album collection. It's one of this years best albums. D.A. & MAX rule with Ciroc filled fists.
Format: You’re in your mid-20s, you’ve accomplished not only success by financial standards, but you’ve been helping move culture forward. How does that feel and does it weigh against your original goals?
A Trak: Wow man, there’s so many things that I haven’t quite reached that it’s pretty rare for me to sit back and be like “this was it,” because I’m still constantly thinking about the next steps. But it’s been good to see all the different genres, and [the] music that I’ve been involved with to become a lot more exposed to the public now, you know?
Format: I think it was the Red Bull Lecture interview you participated in with DJ Medhi where you said that you wanted to, “make scratching just as enjoyable as music.” Have you done that? And is hip-hop still the core influence in your music?
A Trak: That quote about scratching was probably describing an album that I was working on at that time. Unfortunately, I ended up putting it aside [momentarily], but that quote reflected my aspirations at that point. It was stuff that was obscure and purposefully experimental and for me having one foot in that scene and one foot in the other scene,....READ THE ENTIRE ARTICLE HERE.
Yung L.A. "Futuristic Love (Elroy)" feat. Ricco Barrino
There are several reasons why I like this: 1. It was shot downtown. 2. It's clandestine in it's UBERhood appeal. 3. It makes absolutely no sense. 4. Kalecia told me about this a few weeks ago.
I rarely ever blog about my life but I'm killing time so why not!? I'm at work, I'll be here until late (9:00 p.m.). I wrote and directed a little mini production. We're basically doing three shows tonight and three shows next week. I don't really wanna go. I'm more of a put everything in motion and let it happen kinda guy. Ah-well. Anywho, all is well. I'm working hard on the [DEAR DAD,] (the video project) and the internship is going well. Work is great. I'm getting a raise soon, moving from a centralized office to a two office suite w/ my homie/co-worker/& friend Dominique, AND in July I'll be a trained HIV Counselor. Oh I also shot my first photoshoot with an up&coming artist BOOCHman. He's super cool, talented, and it was great working with him. I'll upload some of the best pics soon. I also shot promotional video with him so I'll post that as well...Anywho, I'm about to head out. Bye people. p.s. I'm currently ****riding Richard Hamilton (artist) see this. TWEET ME: www.twitter.com/chaseology_com
I thought nothing could top 2008's Glow In The Dark Tour. Kanye West and Lady Gaga are going on tour. This will be epic. So far the details don't exist but word is they will perform together, no opening act, it will basically be one long set. These two? This is gonna be CRAZY! Watch Ye' on The View:
I enjoy pop art. Here is one of the earliest works to be considered pop art. Richard Hamilton. (1956) Just What Is It That Makes Today’s Homes So Different, So Appealing?
‘Ology’ comes from the Greek word logos, meaning the “study of” something. Chaseology on a basic level means the study of Chase. Not necessarily me as an individual, rather the things I’m inspired by. I have a divine appreciation for musicians, designers, artists, producers, directors, writers, and poets who give of themselves---offering something layered, unique, and bright. I’m inspired by so much on a daily basis the possibilities are boundless, though music stands at the forefront, I firmly believed anything can inspire. Art helps me appreciate the world, and encourages me to explore its different dimensions. This blog is my means of honoring and sharing the individuals whose creative works I exalt.
The content (mp3's, photos, videos, etc) shared on this site are taken from the web. If you own the rights to any of them, and or if you do not wish for them to appear on this website please contact me and the infringing material will be removed post haste. chaseology@tmo.blackberry.net